Training for health and social care Professionals
With a lot of experience underneath our belt, Disability Croydon is the training provider that will give you all you need to help all involved maximise the potential of the resources they have, whilst supporting them upon the endeavours. We can provide you both ends of the spectrum, from a user and a provider perspective. Something crucial to know.
Disability Croydon's training will be especially valuable to agencies involved with Personal Health Budgets. The Government set the target of 50,000-100,000 people to have access to Personal Health Budgets by 2020. Currently, only 8,000 people do. This shows the large knowledge gap that companies and new employees will have with the new responsibility for supporting PHBs.
We offer a variety of accredited training courses including:
Moving and Transferring (theory and practice)
First Aid
People Movers – moving and handling
Fire Safety